[来源:来自网络] [作者:aowl] [日期:22-05-23] [浏览次数:]

人体所需的营养物质都要靠水来输送,血液循环,废物排出,每一个生理活 A and metabolism: all the nutriment needed by the human body is transported by water, blood circulation, waste discharge, every physiological activity. 动都离不开水,水参与人体内一切物质的新陈代谢。 Water can not be separated from action, and water is involved in the metabolism of all substances in the body. B、调节作用:人体温度是37℃,水能吸收人体物质代谢产生多余热量,达到调节体温,从 B and regulation: the body temperature is 37 degrees. Water can absorb human body metabolism and generate excess heat, so as to regulate body temperature. 而使体温维持在正常水平。 And keep the body temperature at a normal level. C、溶解作用:人体内的所有无机盐和各种有机化合物,各种酶和激素都需要水来溶解而发 C, dissolution: all inorganic salts and various organic compounds in the body, all kinds of enzymes and hormones need water to dissolve. 挥作用。 Volatiles. D、消化作用:水构成人体内的消化液。如:唾液、胃液、胆汁、胰液、肠液等,而食物的 D and digestion: water is the digestive juice of adults. Such as: saliva, gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice, juice, and food 消化主要依靠消化器官分泌的消化液来完成。 Digestion is mainly achieved by digestive juice secreted by digestive organs. E、运输作用:人体血液中80%以上是水,血液在心脏与血管系统构成的封闭式结构中奔流 E and transportation: more than 80% of the human blood is water, and blood flows in the closed structure of the heart and vascular system. 不息,人体内的能量交换和物质转运只有靠水来完成。 No matter what happens, energy exchange and material transport in human body depend on water only.

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