[来源:原创] [作者:不详] [日期:22-05-10] [浏览次数:]

面对眼花缭乱的桶装饮用水市场,消费者应该如何选购安全放心的产品?日前记者就这个问题采访了保定市质监局专家。专家提醒广大消费者,在选购桶装饮用水时应注意以下5点: Faced with the dazzling drinking water market, how should consumers buy safe and secure products? Recently the reporter interviewed the expert of the quality supervision bureau of baoding city. Experts remind consumers that they should pay attention to the following 5 points when choosing a bucket of drinking water:   1、购买桶装饮用水一定要认真选择供水商,选择标注QS准入标志、有一定规模、产品质量和服务质量较好的企业,并且在送水上门后,仔细检查桶封上的生产日期和桶盖上的标签,看两者是否一致。 1, buy bottled drinking water must carefully choose water suppliers, select annotation symbols, QS admittance has a certain scale, product quality and service quality is good, and in the water after the door, carefully check the bucket sealing on the production date and the label on the lid, the both are consistent.   2、要认真查看,正品桶桶体透明度好,颜色为蓝色或白色,桶里极少有水泡,表层光滑;劣质桶透明度差,颜色为深蓝色或紫色,桶身摸上去高低不平,特别是瓶口摸着刺手。 2. It is important to check seriously that the pail body is transparent and the color is blue or white. There are few blisters in the bucket and the surface is smooth. Poor quality barrel transparency, the color is dark blue or purple, the bucket feels up uneven, especially the bottle mouth feels the prickly hand.   3、即使是质量较好的桶装饮用水,开封后放置时间太长也易滋生细菌,通常应在一周内用完。尤其是在炎热的夏季,温度高,细菌繁殖速度快,桶装饮用水更不能久存。 3. Even if the quality of the bottled water is good, the placement time after the opening is too long and the bacteria are easy to breed. Usually, it should be used up within a week. Especially during the hot summer months, the temperature is high, the bacteria reproduce quickly, and the bottled water can't be saved much longer.   4、保存桶装饮用水,最好放在避光、通风阴凉的地方,避免在阳光下曝晒。 4. Keep the drinking water in the bucket, preferably in a place that avoids light and cool, and avoid exposure in the sun.   5、消费者购买饮水机时应尽量购买知名品牌的饮水机,还要警惕饮水机的二次污染,注意定期清洗饮水机。http://www.duyishuiye.com 5. Consumers should purchase the water dispenser of famous brands when buying the water fountain, and beware of the secondary pollution of the water dispenser, and pay attention to regularly cleaning the water dispenser. http://www.duyishuiye.com

版权 © 都益水业益水堂水超市 经营各种品牌桶装水:益水堂纯净水,农夫山泉,鱼跃谷,都益,天润纯净水. 网站地图 网址:www.duyishuiye.com
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