[来源:原创] [作者:不详] [日期:22-03-01] [浏览次数:]

运输工具应清洁、卫生。产品不得与有毒、有害、有腐蚀性、易挥发或有异味的物品混装运输。 1, the means of transportation should be clean and sanitary. Products must not be mixed with toxic, harmful, corrosive, volatile or odorous goods. 2、搬运时应轻拿轻放,严禁扔摔、撞击、挤压。 2, handling light should be gently placed, no throwing, impact, extrusion. 3、运输过程中不得曝晒、雨淋、受潮。 3, transportation should not be exposed to sunlight, rain or damp. 4、产品不得与有毒、有害、有腐蚀性、易挥发或有异昧的物品同库贮存。 4. Products should not be stored in the same store with toxic, harmful, corrosive, volatile or abnormal substances. 5、产品应贮存在阴凉、干燥、通风的库房中:严禁露天堆放、日晒、雨淋或靠近热源:包装箱底部应有100mm以上的垫板。 5, the product should be stored in a cool, dry and ventilated storeroom, which is strictly prohibited from stacking, sunning, rain or near the heat source: the bottom of the packing box should be above 100mm. 6、在摄氏零度以下运输与贮存时,应有防冻措施。 6, when transporting and storing below zero degree Celsius, there should be anti freezing measures.

版权 © 都益水业益水堂水超市 经营各种品牌桶装水:益水堂纯净水,农夫山泉,鱼跃谷,都益,天润纯净水. 网站地图 网址:www.duyishuiye.com
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