[来源:原创] [作者:不详] [日期:21-09-16] [浏览次数:]

健康饮水包括三个方面: Healthy drinking water includes three aspects: ▲饮的水要健康; Long drink water to be healthy; ▲饮水方式要科学; The way of drinking water to science; ▲饮水设备要安全。 The safety of drinking water equipment. 健康首先从水中来,喝水要喝健康水,饮水不仅要考虑水质,还要注意饮用的方法。首先要保证每天的饮水量,每个成年人的饮水量至少要7—8杯(平均300毫升/杯)以上。不能觉得渴了再喝水,人觉得渴了已经处于生理脱水的状态,所以应养成主动饮水的习惯。另外饮水的设备一定要符合安全卫生的要求,不允许有任何污染。 Health first comes from the water, drinking water to drink healthy water, drinking water not only to consider the water quality, but also to pay attention to the method of drinking. First of all, to ensure the daily amount of drinking water, each adult drinking water at least 7 - 8 cups (average 300 ml / cup) above. Can't feel thirsty and drink water again, people feel thirsty has been in the state of physical dehydration, so should develop the habit of drinking water. In additio流水槽模具 u型槽模具 电缆槽模具 隔离墩钢模具 护坡砖模具 钢制闸门 螺杆式启闭机 卷扬式启闭机n, the equipment for drinking water must meet the requirements of safety and hygiene, and no pollution is allowed. ●边吃饭边饮水有害处 Eating drinking water is harmful 边吃饭边饮水是个不好的习惯,吃饭时饮水,会冲淡唾液、胃液、肠液等消化液,会影响食物中营养物质的吸收。饭前一小时饮水比饭后饮水好。因为水在胃中停留时间只有6分钟,很快就会进入小肠。吃饭前一小时饮水,到吃饭时,机体消化液分泌正旺盛,功能调动起来自然促进消化吸收。 Eating and drinking is a bad habit, eat when drinking water, will dilute the saliva, gastric juice, intestinal digestive fluid, will affect the absorption of nutrients in food. Drinking water one hour before meals is better than drinking water after meals. Because water stays in the stomach for only 6 minutes, it will soon get into the small intestine. One hour before eating drinking water, to eat, the body's digestive juice is exuberant, function mobilizes to naturally promote digestion and absorption. ●必不可少的浴前一杯水 An essential cup of water before bath 由于沐浴后毛孔扩大,排汗量增大,人体内水分排出快,沐浴前喝水可确保沐浴过程中身心舒适,体内细胞依然可得到充分的水,能促进新陈代谢,让你沐浴后保持柔嫩的肌肤,防止皮肤干燥、出皱。 Because after bath pores, sweat volume increases, the body of water discharge quickly, before bathing water can ensure the bath in the process of physical and mental comfort, body cells can still obtain sufficient water, can promote the The new supersedes the old. to keep your skin, after bathing, prevent dry skin and wrinkles. ●在有空调的环境里要比平时喝更多的水 To drink more water in an air conditioned environment than usual 在有空调的环境里,空气的相对温度比一般情况下要低,为保持体内水分充足,皮肤润泽,多喝水是必要的。 In an air conditioned environment, the relative temperature of the air is lower than that in the general condition. It is necessary to maintain the moisture of the body, to moisten the skin and to drink more water. ●日光浴前后多饮水 Drink plenty of water before and after sunbathing 在进行日光浴时,体内及皮肤水分流失极快,因此应多多喝水,以补充体内及皮肤流失的水分及养分。 During the sunbathing, the flow of water in the body and skin is not very fast, so a lot of water should be drunk to supplement the water and nutrients lost in the body and skin.

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