[来源:原创] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-09-05] [浏览次数:]

In adults, the mass of 60~70% is water. The proportion of water in children is more than 80%. If a person does not eat, it can live for a month by relying only on the nutrients stored in his body or using the autologous tissue. But if you don't drink water, it's difficult for a week. 10% of the loss of water in the body is a threat to health, such as 20% of the loss of water, the danger of life, and the significance of water to life. Water is the one we can't do every day, but do you know how to drink the water right? How much water should I drink every day? Let's listen to the advice of the experts.
The water and the treatment of common diseases, such as: in the morning a cup of cold white boiling water can treat splash; half an hour after a meal to drink some water, can be used to lose weight; massage with hot water is a powerful sedative, can alleviate insomnia; drink Dakoutaikou can relieve constipation; before a cup of water is good for the heart sick; you can use brine emetic.
1. Dissolve digestion function
Water is an essential medium for biochemical changes in all physiological processes in the body. Water has very strong solubility and ionization ability (water molecule polarity), can make the water soluble substances exist in dissolved state and ionic state, and even some fat and protein can also under appropriate conditions, dissolved in water, composed of emulsion or colloidal solution. The dissolved or dispersed substances in the water are beneficial to the effective chemical reactions in the body.
The food enters the cavity and gastrointestinal digestion, rely on the secretion of the digestive organs, such as saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, intestinal fluid, bile, to food digestion and absorption. In these digestive fluids, the water content is up to 90%.
2. Participate in metabolic function
In the process of metabolism, material exchange and chemical reaction in the body are carried out in the water. Water is not only the medium of biochemical reaction in the body, but also the water itself is involved in the chemical reactions such as oxidation, reduction, synthesis and decomposition in the body. Water is the guarantee of the normal metabolism of various chemicals in the body.
If the human body is short of water for a long time, the metabolic function will be abnormal, which slows down metabolism and accumulates too much energy and fat to make people fat.
3, carrier transport function
Water is a carrier of various nutrients in the body because of its good solubility and fluidity, which is also contained in various tissues and organs of the body. Water plays an extremely important role in the transport and absorption of nutrients, the transport and exchange of gases, and the transport and excretion of the metabolites. For example, transport oxygen, vitamins, glucose, amino acids, enzymes, hormones to the whole body, urea, uric acid and other metabolic wastes transported to the kidneys, and excreted with urine.
4. Regulation of inhibitory function
The water has a high specific heat and has a role in regulating body temperature.
The best way to prevent heat stroke is to drink more water. This is because we believe that the intake of three major production nutrients is based on the participation of water. Oxygen is used to oxidize metabolism, release energy, and then evaporate a lot of energy through water evaporation to avoid rising body temperature. When the body is short of water, the excess energy is dissipated in time, causing heatstroke.
In addition, water can also improve the circulation of body fluid tissue, regulate muscle tension, and maintain the body's osmotic pressure and acid-base balance.
5, lubricating and moistening function
It is risky to exercise in the absence of water. Because the tissues and organs are lack of water lubrication, it is easy to cause wear. Therefore, it is best to drink enough water for 1 hours before exercise.
Water is used as a lubricant for the activities of joints, ligaments, muscles and membranes in the body. The viscosity of water is small, it can make the body friction parts lubricate, reduce the friction of the body organs, prevent the damage, and make the organ movement flexible.
At the same time, the water also has a moisturizing function, so that the body cells are often in a wet state, keeping the skin plump and soft. Timed quantitative water replenishment will make the skin moist, full and elastic. It can be said that water is the beauty jiapin.
6, dilution and detoxification
People who do not love to drink water tend to be prone to acne, which is because the human body detoxification must have water. Without enough water, the toxin can not be effectively discharged, silting in the body, it is easy to cause acne.
In fact, water not only has a good solubility, and dilution function important, at the same time, the renal excretion of water can be metabolic wastes, toxins and excess ingestion of drugs be discharged, reduce the intestinal absorption of toxins, prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in the body and lead to chronic poisoning. Therefore, when taking medicine, we should drink enough water to effectively eliminate the side effects of the drug.
How should you drink the water correctly?
经常少量多次饮水,不要等到口渴时一次大量饮水,因为口渴时体内已经丢失了2-3杯的水分。不要低估排汗损失的水量。注意尿液的颜色和气味,量少色深表示身体已经处于脱水状态。不要用咖啡、茶、苏打水或酒精饮料代替水。咖啡因和酒精有利尿作用,会增加水分的丢失。 睡眠时身体也会丢失水分。在一天开始和结束时都应饮一杯水。 天热时,凉开水是保持体内水分的最好液体。凉水比热水吸收更快,冷却身体更有效,同时可减少出汗。
Often a small amount of drinking water, do not wait for thirst when a large amount of water, because of thirst in the body has lost 2-3 cups of water. Do not underestimate the amount of water that is lost by sweating. Pay attention to the color and smell of the urine. The amount of less color indicates that the body is in a dehydrated state. Do not replace water with coffee, tea, soda or alcoholic beverages. Caffeine and alcohol have diuretic effects, which can increase the loss of water. The body also loses water during sleep. Drink a cup of water at the beginning and end of the day. When it's hot, cool water is the best liquid to keep water in the body. Cool water is faster than hot water, cooling the body more efficiently and reducing sweating.
功能水 通过一定技术处理改变了水的理化性质,并提升了水有益健康的功能,这种水就是功能水。目前市场上有添加了各种有益健康的活性化合
Functional water changes the physical and chemical properties of water and improves the healthy function of water, which is functional water. There are all kinds of healthy active compounds on the market.

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