[来源:原创] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-06-19] [浏览次数:]
夫山泉桶装水选自长白山优质水源,仅对水质做最小限度的加工,水中天然存在二十多种矿物元素,能调节人体体液平衡,适合人体长期饮用,是纯天然的弱碱性矿泉水,真正的无添加。长期喝农夫山泉水有益于身体健康,避免了许多有疾病,这是长远的投资,仔细看来更划算。 The barreled water of Fu Shan spring is selected from Changbai Mountain high quality water source. It is only processed with minimal water quality. There are more than 20 natural mineral elements in water. It can regulate body fluid balance and be suitable for human body for a long time. It is a pure natural weak alkali mineral water and is really not added. Drinking the farmer's spring water for a long time is good for our health and avoiding many diseases. This is a long-term investment. It seems to be more cost-effective.
版权 © 都益水业益水堂水超市 经营各种品牌桶装水:益水堂纯净水,农夫山泉,鱼跃谷,都益,天润纯净水. 网站地图 网址:www.duyishuiye.com
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