[来源:原创] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-05-24] [浏览次数:]
1.饮水机一定要放在阴凉避光的地方,千万不能放在阳光直射的地方,以免滋生绿藻。若实在有困难,也应采取措施,为水桶加罩避光桶套。 1. water dispensers must be placed in a cool and dark place, and must not be placed in direct sunlight, so as not to breed green algae. If there is any difficulty, measures should be taken to cover the bucket and cover the barrel. 2.打开的水桶秋冬季要在2-4周内喝完,春、夏季最好在7-10天内喝完。 2. the open bucket should be drunk in 2-4 weeks in autumn and winter. It is best to finish it in 7-10 days in spring and summer. 3.饮水机不要长时间通电加热、反复烧开。反复烧开的水亚硝酸盐增加不宜饮用。 3. drinking water heater should not be heated for a long time and heated repeatedly. Repeated boiling water nitrite increase is not suitable for drinking. 4.用过的空桶要放置在干净的地方,不要往里面倒脏水、扔污物(如烟头之类),而造成矿泉水厂清洗、消毒困难。 4. used empty bucket to be placed in a clean place, do not pour dirty water inside, throw dirt (such as smoke head, etc.), but it is difficult to clean and disinfect the mineral water plant. 5.饮水机要定期消毒,最好半年一次。避免二次污染,保证饮水安全卫生有益健康。 5. drinking water machine should be regularly sterilized, preferably half a year. Avoid two pollution, ensure drinking water safety, health and health.
版权 © 都益水业益水堂水超市 经营各种品牌桶装水:益水堂纯净水,农夫山泉,鱼跃谷,都益,天润纯净水. 网站地图 网址:www.duyishuiye.com
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