[来源:原创] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-03-15] [浏览次数:]
很多人都知道多饮水对肾脏有好处。多喝水,小便量和去洗手间的次数自然也多,本来很正常,但一般人却以为,这就是肾亏。其实,水喝得越多,越能减少肾脏的工作量。肾脏的运作,好比清洁工人以手推车运走堆积如山的垃圾。假如只有两台手推车,每台的负荷自然较多,推车也更费力,情况如同只去两次洗手间的人,他的肾脏往往要加倍工作,以最少的尿量,清走体内的废物,假如有5台手推车,每台的负荷相对较少,肾脏的负荷自然较少。 A lot of people know how much water is good for the kidneys. Drink plenty of water, urine volume and frequency to Restroom naturally, it's normal, but most people are thinking, this is the kidney. As a matter of fact, the more water you drink, the more you can reduce the workload of the kidneys. The operation of the kidneys is like that of cleaning workers using a cart to remove mountains of garbage. If only two handcart, more natural load for each table, the cart is more laborious, as to only two times Restroom people, his kidneys tend to work hard, with the least amount of urine, remove body waste, if there are 5 handcart, each load is relatively small, less natural load kidney.
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