[来源:原创] [作者:aoutmy] [日期:17-06-13] [浏览次数:]
饮用桶装水的一些注意事项。 A few precautions for drinking a bucket of water. 1 one 首先,我们在购买桶装纯净水的时候,要根据自己的需要选择合适大小的桶装纯净水,如果我们家里人口很多,可以买大桶装的纯净水。大桶的也要注意,有的标18.9L,有的标18L。如果家里饮水量不是太大,要尽量买容量小的桶装纯净水。因为纯净水也有一定的保质期(夏季最好在一周内喝完)。否则饮用时间过长,容易滋生细菌。如果长期饮用含有细菌的纯净水,会对我们的身体健康造成威胁。 First of all, we are buying bottled water, according to their own needs to choose the right size of bottled purified water, if we had a lot of family and can buy large barreled purified water. You also have to pay attention to the big buckets, some of them are 18.9 L, some of them are called 18L. If you don't drink too much, try to buy a small amount of clean water. Because pure water also has a certain shelf life (summer is best to finish in a week). Otherwise it's too long to drink, and it's easy to grow bacteria. Drinking pure water that contains bacteria can be a threat to our physical health. 2 2 我们在饮用纯净水的时候,一定要先把纯净水烧开后,再饮用。因为在饮用纯净水的过程中,会有细菌不断地进入到纯净水桶中,一般的细菌在经过高温后,几乎不能存活。饮用烧开的纯净水,对身体健康更有保障。 When we drink pure water, we must first boil the pure water and then drink it. Because in the process of drinking pure water, the bacteria keep moving into the pure bucket, and the average bacteria can barely survive the heat. Drinking boiled water is more secure for your health. 3 3 我们在饮用纯净水的时候,如果发现水中出现絮状物或是其他的东西,最好不要饮用。因为出现絮状物说明水中已经滋生细菌,如果在饮用后,会严重地影响我们的身体健康。 When we drink pure water, if we find a floccus or something else in the water, it's best not to drink it. Because the presence of the floccus indicates that bacteria in the water, if it is consumed, can seriously affect our physical health. 4 4 我们在使用桶装水的时候,最好把桶装水和饮水机一起放在家中比较阴凉的地方,不要正对着太阳照射的地方放置,因为桶装水在长期受到太阳的照射后,会滋生细菌,如果饮用了滋生细菌的纯净水后,会影响我们的身体健康。 When we were in the use of bottled water, the best bottled water and water dispenser in the home is a cool place, do not is opposite the sun place, because the bottled water in under the sun for a long time after irradiation, breeds bacteria, if after drinking the bacterium of pure water, can affect our health.
版权 © 都益水业益水堂水超市 经营各种品牌桶装水:益水堂纯净水,农夫山泉,鱼跃谷,都益,天润纯净水. 网站地图 网址:www.duyishuiye.com
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